Field Service Orlando 2025

August 25 - 27, 2025

JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, FL

Mike Libecki

Nat Geo Explorer/DELL Ambassador Nat Geo Adventurer of the Year/DELL

Nat Geo Explorer/Nat Geo Adventurer of the Year/DELL Ambassador Mike Libecki can define his life in two ways: An obsession with exploring and climbing the world's most remote and untouched corners of the planet to find huge, world-class first ascents and exploration...and a being a dedicated father to a daughter that wants to save the world. Libecki has completed over 85 major expeditions all over the planet with a goal of 100 expeditions. He has done expeditions from Afghanistan to Antarctica, to Greenland to Guyana, to Siberia to Socotra Island, Yemen, and everywhere in between. Mike is also a producer, director, videographer, photographer, humanitarian and conservationist. He is also a math and tech nerd at heart and uses the latest technologies on his expeditions to share the stories.

It was once said that a lot of people will quote people like the Dalai Lama or Gandi, but Mike Libecki quotes himself”.

"The time is now. Why ration passion? Dream big and climb those dreams.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mike.

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