Field Service Orlando 2025

August 25 - 27, 2025

JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, FL

Edward Krzysik

Vice President, Client Strategy Help Lightning

Edward Krzysik, VP Client Value at Help Lightning, has been in the field services and technology industry for 25 years. As an experienced leader in service delivery, Edward brings a focus on strategic planning, client value and growth. During Edward’s tenure with a large, global technology provider he was responsible for developing an award-winning program that coupled field resources (technicians) with game-changing technology (Help Lightning). Edward holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History and an MBA from the American Military University. Edward is a part-time professor of Business and Entrepreneurship at American Military University. Edward is also a U.S. Army Veteran having served with the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife & Drum Corps.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Edward.

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